Welcome to Dot Health!

I am a registered DNAnalysis Practitioner, Nutritional Therapist, Naturopath and Chef, based in the lovely Noordhoek Valley just south of Cape Town, South Africa.

Embrace a scientifically driven approach towards wellness, personalized for you through DNA Analysis. By knowing your genetic profile, we can prevent and manage chronic disease, increase your vitality and positively impact your longevity. Discover your body’s ideal nutrient intake, and find out if you are sensitive to lactose, gluten, caffeine, salt and many more.
Browse the DNA Analysis Tests below, & contact me for a free 10min consultation via Phone or WhatsApp on +27 (0)79 950 5374, email me at [email protected] or complete the form below.
1st test @ full price, subsequent tests only R600 per test.

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It’s time to take care of your health now!

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