
I just wanted to write a quick note to express my appreciation for all that you have done and continue to do. From the first time, we met when you warmly welcomed me into your home office and went well over our allotted appointment time without charging extra, to your constant interaction with me over WhatsApp keeping track of my progress and answering all my questions (and I ask A LOT of questions) and constantly giving encouragement and kind words, but still managing to be honest and direct. You have gone way beyond what I ever expected, and I am extremely grateful to you. By simply following your guidelines, I have noticed a definite just 6 weeks, my pains have become less, my sleeping and my mood have improved, and I have lost 9kgs so far. WOOHOO!!!! My sister and my niece have also improved since following your recommendations. I tell everyone about you, and if I didn't live 1000km away, I would have sent a few people to see you already. I am excited about our next appointment (despite having to travel 1000km to see you) and to see what the next phase of my journey will be. BTW, I wear an elastic band and on my wrist (a gift from a friend) it says WWBS (what would Berdine say), so that every time I reach for something to eat, I see it and think of what you would say about it.

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