
What my clients say

Celest Dames, Recruitment Coordinator

Our team recently had a Holistic Wellness session with Berdine. She is clearly very knowledgeable and passionate about health and DNA Analysis, and we really enjoyed learning from her. We have received great feedback after the session and we are looking forward to doing her 3-day detox programme together as a team. If you are at all interested in exploring your options in terms of better health and overall wellness then we highly encourage you get in touch with Berdine.

Jillian Altern

I am 61 years old and have always tried to keep myself fit and healthy. I have been running for 10 years, and in 2019 I fell and broke my ankle, followed by breaking the 8th and 9th vertebrae in my back. This prevented me from exercising, and suddenly, the kilograms started piling on. I tried to diet, but even though I hardly ate anything, I still kept gaining weight. My daughter-in-law told me about Dot Health. Berdine is a lovely, approachable and caring person, who, for the first time for me, had someone interested in my ailments and diet, and she assured me she could rectify everything. HOW RIGHT SHE WAS! We had a great consultation, and I opted for a DNA Analysis test on my health and one for my diet. One of the best things I've ever done, and recommend it to everyone. My results came back telling me everything about myself, my vitamin deficiencies, my sensitivities, my good and bad genes, the causes of my continual painful and bloated stomach, my stress levels, lack of sleep and energy etc. Armed with all this comprehensive information, Berdine compiled an eating plan for me, together with delicious recipes (she is also a qualified chef and nutritionist...amazing)! I started the changes in my diet as Berdine recommended, and after two months, I have lost 8 kilograms and am still on my way to reaching my goal of another 2 kilograms or so! I recently ran a road race, and to my utter surprise, I came 2nd in my age category and was on the podium. I attribute this to my weight loss, the vitamin supplements that were non-existent in my body and the renewed energy that I have gained by eating correctly and the will to want to train and get fit again. It has given me a sense of well-being and happiness. Berdine gave me the tools and everything I needed to know, and it was up to me to persevere and get back into shape. She didn't pressurize me or insist I phone in every couple of days, but if i needed her, she was only a phone call away. With the right information and motivation, everyone can lose weight according to one's body make up. I highly recommend Berdine, she has changed my life, rectified bad eating habits, no more bloated tummy, lost the unwanted kilograms and made me feel better about myself again. Thank you very much Berdine.

Tracey Wantling

It's so hard to express my full appreciation for the amazing, positive changes Berdine has brought about in my quest to find the healthier version of myself. In just a few months my energy levels have increased, and I am sleeping so much better and feeling far healthier all of which have contributed to making my Fibromyalgia far more manageable- and of course, an added bonus was some much-needed weight loss. Berdine's passion, enthusiasm, care and constant support have made this a fun and exciting journey and made the lifestyle changes so incredibly easy. I am so excited to see what else is in store in the coming months.